
Performance @ Tiyatro Medresesi, Izmir, Turkey

Choosingly loosing SIGNAL definition
Rocking into the warped Ant Dreaming
With the Antennae magic phenomena can be observed
Ant is the SWIMMER
In the field pierced with animisticly-wholistic occasions, occasioning occasions 

GROANING FOR THE ABSENT ANT GREATNESS is a complex Piece of Work, it contains several of my obsessive subjects;  its is a PLAY in and with the META-SPECIE worlds and amongst other things it is tackling with ENCHANTED TIMES, seeding self-governed animism. With some support from speculative realism, ANT (actor-network theory), Georgio Agamben’s poetic essays, kids’ rhymes and as a tribute to my little Butoh team/play mates whom i have spent wonderful times with at Tiyatro Medresesi in Turkey this year. (@Butohlantern)   

PS. Special Thanks to Anastasia Freygang for camera work.