Video/Performance: Anna Kushnerova.
In the dawn of the modern era, philosophy was reinterpreted as the study of consciousness, and along with this move the body was cast into the side of the object. This disembodiment has in turn led to separating human beings from nature. Healing through embodiment, healing through earth, water, nature is what we have within our worldly capacity. If we could feel our environments with the entire field of our body, we could amplify every moment of our experience.
The eco religious goal of Daoist meditational and ritual practice is to mirror unobtrusively the dynamic spontaneity of one’s environment, to become imperceptible and transparent as though one were not at all. This goal is made all the more remote by the complex web of social and intellectual structures layered throughout history that form the cultural flux in which human life is trapped. The path toward pure spontaneity thus consists always in “healing” reversion or undoing. This reversion can occur mentally through sitting in oblivion (zuowang), physically through the generation of an immortal embryo, collectively through communal ritual, and even cosmogonically through alchemical practices founded on principle that degenerative natural processes can be reversed and restored to the original pristine state (hundun).
We are not just our physical selves. We are multidimentional beings, composed of four bodies of light: an indestructible Soul Body (or Essence) , A spirit Body (or Presence), a mental-emotional Body (or Temperament) , and physical (or Salted) Body. the energy of these bodies becomes progressively denser from spiritual to physical, although disease can begin with disharmony in one of theses energy bodies. if not harmonised (or conjuncted) , the disease moves outward, effecting the denser bodies, ultimately manifesting as a chronic physical illness. total healing requires restoring harmony or balancing all four bodies.