Video (13min), Performance & Video by Anna Kushnerova
Sound by Elise Gettliffe
Within the twenty-four hours of the day, some time must be definitely dedicated to the Divine...
Suspended by strings, a structure barely standing, a mesh, a web of an ancient rainforest. In its multilayered kingdom of the indoor(-ian) nature.
Domesticated orchids hoover in the air receiving divine watering and prayer dance.
The body crawls through the volatile materiality of this woven nest,
woven by its own limbs to mark a space within a space for the initiation.
The body expanding its sensual realm balancing, suspended, enmeshed in condition of eternal Play where the universe arises as strings of tension.
At times the mesh becomes a net, an enclosure, entrapment:
Confinement causes enfolding, entrospection introversion, the exosomatic turns into endosomatic, strings turn to sinew of a skinned animal wondering inside its dream catcher.
Skin becomes lining of a plant spirit, vegetating in a constant dream, feeding on light, mediating, healing, communicating with the supernatural.
Within the twenty-four hours of the day, some time must be definitely dedicated to the Divine.
Performance/ Dance Video made from within home isolation. Revisiting multifarious concepts of home, themes of displacement and confinement, constitution of limits as well as the rituals that transform shelters into sanctuaries.
Drawing from Butoh methods, leaning into liquid intelligence of the body and its INNER multidimensional DANCE.